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what more can I do

what more can I say

the love I thought we knew

has drifted away

and now I’m all alone

i’m not sure what to do

well i hate to see

the teardrops in your eyes

we knew this day would come

when we would say goodbye

we thought our lives together

would never end this way

somehow we let the dreams

slowly drift away


thanks for all you did

thanks for all you said

the love I had for you

is gone today

and now I’m all alone

I’m not sure what to do

well i hate to see

the teardrops in your eyes

we knew this day would come

when we would say goodbye

we thought our lives together

would never end this way

somehow we let the dreams

slowly drift away



 Copyright - Dave St.Cyr & Doland White

All Music Registered with BMI

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